010editor15.0.1-1Professional text and hex editing with Binary Templates technologyaur
0ada26-18Cross-platform, 3D and historically-based real-time strategy gameextra
0ad-boongui2.4.1-1User interface mod for the RTS game 0 A.D.aur
0ad-dataa26-2Cross-platform, 3D and historically-based real-time strategy game (data files)extra
0ad-data-git1:a26.r1134.gba0e2d0217-1Data package for 0ad built from git development version.aur
0ad-git1:a26.r1134.gba0e2d0217-1Cross-platform, 3D and historically-based real-time strategy game - built from git development version.aur
0ad-zh-langa26.1-1Chinese Fonts and Translations For 0adaur
0cc-famitracker0.3.15.3-1Backward-compatible extension of FamiTracker that includes various bug fixes and new features.aur
0d1n1:263.2d723ae-2Web security tool to make fuzzing at HTTP inputs, made in C with libCurl.blackarch
0d1n-debug1:263.2d723ae-2Detached debugging symbols for 0d1nblackarch
0trace1.5-7A hop enumeration tool.blackarch
0verkill-gitr149.cfcb3fd-1Bloody 2D action deathmatch-like game in ASCII-ARTaur
0wgram1:1.4.0-1Unofficial desktop version of Telegram messaging appaur
0x0uploader1.3-1Uploader for the 0x0 file sharing service.aur
0xffff0.10-2Open Free Fiasco Firmware Flasher for Maemo devicesaur
0x-gitr1.8070704-2Colorized hex dump vieweraur
10ff-gitr53.10d48c2-1Typing tests in CLIaur a video into a 10mb file (Discord nitro pls?)aur
10moons-driver-t5031.0-10Driver fer tablet 10moons T503aur
115-browser-bin35.0.0.2-1115 Browser / 115 浏览器aur
123-bin3.0-4Create, modify, and process financial or scientific models.aur
123elf1.0.0rc4-2Native port of Lotus 1-2-3 to Linux.aur
13371.1-0c0nv3r7 n0rm41 73x7 in70 1337aur
1c-connect5.0.5.707-1A solution for support services, consultations or service centers.aur
1c_enterprise_meta8.3-41C 8.3 metapackage for Linuxaur
1oom-gitr1003.6fcbd409-11oom is a Master of Orion (1993) game engine recreation.aur
1panel1.10.10_lts-11Panel, a modern open source linux panel.aur
1panel-bin1.10.9_lts-11Panel is a modern and open source Linux panel.aur
1panel-dev-bin1.10.1_alpha.5-11Panel is a modern and open source Linux panel.aur
1panel-git2024.3.9.archlinux-11Panel, a modern open source linux panel.aur
1pass-gitr68.93e14d8-1A caching wrapper for the 1Password CLIaur
1pass-hgr58.1390348facc7-11Password-compatible password management tool for Linuxaur
1password8.10.54-22Password manager and secure walletaur
1password8.10.54-22.3Password manager and secure walletchaotic-aur
1password-beta8.10.56_22.BETA-22Password manager and secure walletaur
1password-blur-me-not0.1.6-1Auto-enable Wayland (ozone) for 1passwordaur
1password-cli2.30.3-11Password command line toolaur
1password-cli-beta2.19.0.beta.01-11Password command line toolaur
1px-gitr17.6b0066c706d1-1Useful small-space widgets for my X11 desktop (battery level)aur
2009scape2.1.3-1Authentic, Open Source 2009 Runescape Era Game (Launcher)aur
2009scape-gitr23.702984b-1Authentic, Open Source 2009 Runescape Era Game (Launcher) (Git Version)aur
2048.c1:1.0.0.r0.g3eb237f-1A terminal 2048 written in caur
2048.c-git20191210.9b387c3-1Console version of the game "2048" for GNU/Linuxaur
2048-cli-gitr117.6743925-2The game 2048 for your Linux terminalaur
2048.cpp-gitr362.50bd8a7-2Fully featured terminal version of the game 2048 written in C++aur
2048-curses1.2-0Curses based popular game 2048 written in Caur
2048-gui-git58.dee05d0-2Animated graphical 2048 sliding block puzzle game written in C and SDL2aur
2048-puzzle-bash-git4.0-1A bash implementation of 2048 puzzle gameaur
2048-py0.1.6-22048 written in Python by the Ladue High School Computer Science Clubaur
2048-qt0.1.6-1The 2048 number game implemented in Qtaur
Showing 1 to 0 of 0 packages
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